Aeration & Over-Seeding

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A Healthier and More Durable Yard

Aeration is a process that mechanically removes plugs of soil and deposits them on the top of the soil surface. Over time the soil in your lawn becomes compacted, negatively effecting its growth. Compacted soil results in reduced oxygen levels as well as the reduced amount of water that can be absorbed. When the lawn is aerated, cores are removed from the soil; allowing air to circulate, roots to grow deeper, and water to penetrate further.
Over-seeding: First, a thick lawn helps to prevent weeds. Grass slows down its production rate over the years so it’s important to keep a fresh, new crop coming in every year. Second, by continually adding new seed to your lawn you reduce the rate of disease. New seed varieties are continually grown to be disease resistant, keeping your lawn healthy and looking great.

If you have any questions or requests, please feel free to contact us at 301-580-6023 or use the form located on this page to get in contact with us!